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Premiumanzeige Goose Bay

Happy Valley-Goose Bay is proud to be the "hub" of Labrador. With air, road and sea access, it is the choice location for development.

Lage und Verkehrsanschluss

Welcome to the Big Land, a vast, friendly place with tremendous promise and opportunity. Trophy- sized fish, giant caribou herds, world-class wilderness country, vast hydro, mineral and timber resources are all standard fare here. These and other assets provide the Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay with a very attractive combination of opportunities for business growth and a quality of lifestyle opportunities unmatched anywhere.


5 Wing Goose Bay is a vibrant base that conducts and supports a wide variety of operations including both joint and combined training. Located in Labrador, on the northeast coast of Canada, its strategic location helps the Canadian Armed Forces and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) to protect North American airspace.
Our location provides access to an abundance of outdoor wilderness activities. The numerous lakes and rivers offer breathtaking scenery, perfect for canoeists and kayakers. World class hunting and fishing await those avid sport adventurers. The world's largest caribou herd can be found during their annual migration just a short drive from our community. It is a snowmobiler's paradise with hundreds of kilometres of groomed trails.

Kaltmiete: EUR 55,- (VB)
Courtage: Courtagefrei
Gewerbliches Inserat

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Land / Region: Canada / Newfoundland u Labrado
Stadt / Ort: Happy Valley

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Happy Valley Goose Bay

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