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20.05.2024 - 03:26 Uhr


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Premiumanzeige Palm Island

Welcome to the Ultimate Grenadines Paradise

Imagine basking in the sun on your own private island steps away from the warm turquoise waters of the Caribbean. Palm Island Resort is an oasis of tropical serenity located on the southern tip of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, an idyllic archipelago of 32 tropical island and cays known for its stunning natural beauty.
Palm Island will assist you with booking your scenic inter-island flight from Barbados to nearby Union Island. From there, it's just a quick ten minute boat ride aboard our Palm Island shuttle from Union Island to Palm Island. Your welcome drink is waiting!
International arrival and departure details must be noted on original reservation request

Lage und Verkehrsanschluss

Palm Island was originally known as Prune Island and, despite the allure of its sandy beaches, was uninhabited and contained quite a lot of swampland in its low-lying interior.

In 1966 the island was leased by Americans John and Mary Caldwell for 99 years from the St. Vincent & the Grenadines government for one US dollar per year, but it was on the condition that they would build a hotel to provide local employment. They reclaimed much of the sodden interior by planting coconut palms, a habit John had developed on many of his previous voyages, earning him the nickname Johnny Coconuts. Fittingly, Prune Island became Palm Island and the couple began constructing a 10-room hotel called the Palm Island Beach Club which they ran for the next 30 years. They raised money for initial construction by subleasing plots of the island for the building of private homes.


Apart from the 2000 plus coconut (palm) trees, there are fan palms, croton, hibiscus, exora and other flowering plants, many bird species, ground lizards and the ubiquitous iguanas, most famous of which is George who lives in a tree near the Royal Palm Restaurant and loves posing for pictures.

Kaltmiete: EUR 675,- (VB)
Courtage: Courtagefrei
Gewerbliches Inserat

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier



Land / Region: Caribic / St Vincent u Grenadine
Stadt / Ort: St Vincent

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Palm Island Croton leguans

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