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Premiumanzeige Umm al Qaiwain

The Emirate of Um Al Quwain is located on the Arabic Gulf coast and extends to about 24 km between Al Sharjah and Ras Al Khaimah with a total area of about 77 square kilometers which is equivalent to 1% of the UAE. The city has been built on a narrow peninsula called Khor Al Bidiyah. It contains about 7 castles and a museum in one of these castels.
Um Al Quwain has witnessed a comprehensive renaissance

Lage und Verkehrsanschluss

Its strategic location, on the clear blue water of the Gulf, has promoted the sector of hotels and resorts to be expanded and developed


Falaj Al Maala region: the name of Falaj Al Maala is derived from Al Falaj is an underground water channel in which the water flows from the springhead to the mouth due to the downward ground in order to irrigate the agricultural lands.

Kaltmiete: EUR 1,-
Courtage: Courtagefrei
Gewerbliches Inserat

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Land / Region: Arabische Halbinsel / Umm al Qaiwain
Stadt / Ort: VAE

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Umm al Qaiwain VAE Worldtravel

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