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Premiumanzeige Idaho

Adjacent to Washington and Oregon in the Pacific Northwest, Idaho is a big state. It’s been said if you flatten all the mountains in Idaho, the state would be the size of Texas. Idaho covers two time zones, runs from Canada to Nevada, and encompasses the western side of the continental divide of the Rocky Mountains. Rivers, mountains and farmland dominate the state’s landscape. The panhandle has emerald green hillsides, timbered mountains and pristine lakes.

Lage und Verkehrsanschluss

Idaho is an RV owner’s paradise with miles of uncrowded roads, magnificent scenery and over 650 privately-owned RV Parks and public campgrounds. Many are located along rivers, lakes or golf courses.


Today’s Idaho is both cosmopolitan and small-town friendly. Boise, the capital and largest city, developed near Fort Boise along the Oregon Trail has grown to a population of 190,000. Agriculture, manufacturing and tourism are Idaho’s major industries. Abundant outdoor recreation opportunities and scenic vistas around every turn attract over 20 million tourists annually.

Kaltmiete: EUR 75,- (VB)
Courtage: Courtagefrei
Gewerbliches Inserat

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Land / Region: U S A / Idaho
Stadt / Ort: Boise

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Idaho Boise Supercamp

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