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Premiumanzeige Vancouver Island

Welcome to Canada’s far west (best) coast

Paddle through serene coastal waters. Backpack in majestic wilderness parks. Marvel at the furred, feathered and finned wildlife on land and out to sea. Gaze at distant snow-capped mountains while striding barefoot along softly curving beaches. Bomb down mountain bike trails, surf the big waves and swim with the salmon. Inhale crisp, clean ocean breezes and the mossy fragrance of old-growth rainforests

Lage und Verkehrsanschluss

The Vancouver Island region includes Vancouver Island itself, as well as the Gulf Islands and a portion of British Columbia’s mainland coast. Travelling to and within the Vancouver Island region is exciting, fun, and always easy.
Whether you’re taking in the scenery and watching for whales from the deck of a ferry, flying over the coastline from the mainland, , or driving the Island Highway, keep your camera handy — the scenery is spectacular!



Kaltmiete: EUR 142,- (VB)
Courtage: Courtagefrei
Gewerbliches Inserat

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Land / Region: Canada / British Columbia
Stadt / Ort: Victoria

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Vancouver Island Victoria Orca

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