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Premiumanzeige Grenada

Whether you’re an adventure seeker, business traveller or here with your family, there is a wide range of accommodation options to suit your needs.Ranging from private villas, all-inclusive hotels to boutique resorts and self-catered apartments, there is something suitable for everyone - See more at: http://www.grenadagrenadines.com/plan/accommodation/?lodging=hotel#sthash.bURf4XdD.dpuf

Lage und Verkehrsanschluss

Grenada is served by International airlines and cruise companies from North American, Europe and throughout the Caribbean. International flights stop at Maurice Bishop International Airport, and visitors wishing to continue on to the sister isle of Carriacou have a short trip by inter-island charter to Lauriston Airport. Cruise ships serving our islands depart from Florida and Puerto Rico - See more at: http://www.grenadagrenadines.com/plan/getting-here/#sthash.gbcOP0Mr.dpuf


We are pleased to announce that visitors to the island now have the option of utilizing our new jet facility at the Maurice Bishop International Airport! Catering to first class/premium passengers and business general aviation services, the Jet Centre is the first of its kind. More information on the Centre's services and other luxuries offered coming soon. - See more at: http://www.grenadagrenadines.com/plan/getting-here/#sthash.gbcOP0Mr.dpuf

Kaltmiete: EUR 95,- (VB)
Courtage: Courtagefrei
Gewerbliches Inserat

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier



Land / Region: Caribic / Grenada
Stadt / Ort: St Georges

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Grenada St Georges Spice Islands Nutmeg

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